Domino (top) & Dash

Domino (top) & Dash

Friday, June 29, 2012

Beware the Dentist by Domino the Poodle

                                                                  Domino Recovering

Oh the horror!  I went to the vet to get my teeth cleaned.  Mother took me there after we discovered that those disgusting dental chews I’ve been eating for six years do not actually work. When I arrived there at 11:55, I was put in a cage and left for dead. That is, until I was removed at noon to have the procedure done. But those five minutes, torn from my mother’s side and left to fend for myself in a small crate without a side view, were very dark moments indeed.

And then I was drugged and knocked unconscious. Brutes!  Aggressive medical technicians with hideous instruments came at me, unconcerned with the fear coursing through my unconscious body. Who knows what they did to me while I was under, but I saw, what looked like knives, heading in my direction before I conked out.  

All I know is that it must have been terrible; I’m lucky to be alive.  And those technicians who rubbed my ears and smiled at me when I awoke- phonies, every last one of them with their sharp utensils.  Besides, they looked like cat people.

Afterwards, Mother was waiting for me as soon as I could leave. I wobbled over to her with a slight limp and looked at her with burdened eyes, grateful to be taken out of my private hell.  She said something about sparkling teeth and how glad she was to see me. Who can remember?  I stayed in her lap the whole car ride home, which helped, but not enough to erase the memory of those leering technicians.

But Mother understands me. Even though she had a lot of work to get back to, she still spent the whole afternoon pressing a cold, wet washcloth to my forehead.  Only then could I finally breathe deeply and escape into post-traumatic slumber.

Please read my other blog:

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