Domino (top) & Dash

Domino (top) & Dash

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Dog Days" by Domino the mini poodle

Dog days: the hottest days of summer.

That’s what we’re in right now. It’s so warm and sticky it makes my hair curl tightly. I suppose this would be newsworthy if I were an afghan hound, but I’m a poodle, so we’re just gilding the lily here.

Dog days of summer. This expression derives from the ancient belief that the Dog Star, Sirius, was responsible for hot weather due to its’ proximity to the sun. I like the idea that we dogs can be so influential.

Usually humans box us in and claim that our main purpose is to bring them “unconditional love.” They say this with the implied judgment that they don’t get that from anyone else and it is this that makes dogs so special. 

Well, I’m here to say that they don’t get unconditional love from us either. Frankly, you better believe we’re happy to see them. Our life would be vastly different if we had hands. Then, without any assistance, we could hit the cookie box or turn the door handle to get the hell out of the house whenever we wanted.  

But there’s no benefit to my revealing this, so let’s just keep it to ourselves.

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